Friday, July 30, 2010

Chiefs Event + Nursing School

Yesterday was a really tremendous day!  In the morning, John and I were hosts for an exciting event on board.  We had an event for all the chiefs in the area.  Wow, what an experience!  It's certainly not everyday that you meet 50 African chiefs dressed in their beautiful robes and lavish gold jewelry.  The event coordinator asked several crew members to crew in their "national costumes" as the chiefs were also dressed in their traditional clothing.  John and I dressed like cowboys and really had fun! :)

Later in the day, I (Jennifer) joined a team of ladies from the ship to give an AIDS seminar to a local nursing school.  What an honor and a privilege!  We did a one-hour seminar on the social and emotional impacts of HIV and AIDS.  There was about 150 nurses in attendance.  They were very attentive and interested in our presentation.  It was so encouraging to see so many young African men and women desiring to become nurses in their country.  Now I can add to my list of experiences "college lecturer!"  ;)  

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