Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prayer for India and the Dalits

This morning, John and I started a new prayer time on board to specifically pray for India and the Dalits. Before joining the ship, John and I were intrigued and interested in India as a country, but over the past year and a half of being on board, our passion has grown immensely for the country of India. Much of it was due to our love and friendship for one of our Indian ship sons, BK. Over the last two years, we've had nine Indians on board, and in the past weeks eight of them have left. John and I felt like this was the right timing to initiate a small group of people to start praying for India, our Indian friends that have gone back home and for the Dalit people. We'll meet on Saturday mornings, so this morning was our first morning together. It was a God filled time. Our ship's community sponsors 30 Dalits children that are a part of OM India's Good Shepherd Schools for Dalits. Each week, we'll pray for one of the children we sponsor. This morning we lifted up sweet 3-year-old Kumar. May this also inspire those of you reading this blog to lift up India and the Dalits in your prayers.

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